Button Heart Wall Hanging


Button Heart Wall Hanging

Show someone how much you care and create a personalized Button Heart Wall Hanging from Heidi Borchers. This is a great idea for a housewarming present or birthday gift. For an unexpected look, stagger loose buttons from your stash on the canvas.



  • Aleene’s Max Tacky Adhesive
  • Wood plaque
  • Acrylic paint – off-white and colors of your choice for background and stamped words
  • Water
  • Brush
  • Craft foam letters
  • Foam board
  • Ruler
  • Craft knife
  • Cereal box cardboard
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Buttons – various sizes and colors to coordinate with acrylic paint colors
  • Drill with small drill bit
  • Craft wire
  • Beads
  • Paper towels


  1. Paint wood plaque. Set aside to dry.
  2. Select letters to spell out words. Lay out face down on work surface. Measure and cut foam board slightly larger than word(s).
  3. Glue foam letters face down on foam board to create stamp. Let dry completely.
  4. Mark top of foam board with ruler lines to indicate where lettering starts and stops. This will help with placement when stamping.
  5. Use brush to apply paint to stamp. Stamp onto wood plaque. Repeat stamping with different words and paint colors. Let paint dry.
  6. Mix off-white paint with water to create white wash. Brush over entire stamped surface of wood plaque. Wipe back excess paint with paper towel. Let dry.
  7. Cut heart shape from cardboard. Paint heart desired color. Let dry.
  8. Glue buttons on heart, stacking two to three buttons together to create random layered design. Let dry.
  9. Glue heart onto wood plaque. Let dry.
  10. Drill holes at top of plaque. Insert one end of wire and coil to hold in place. Add beads to 1/2 of wire. Create loop for hanger and add remaining beads. Insert other end of wire into plaque and coil to hold in place. If desired, glue buttons onto several random beads.

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I completed a similar project but used a plain linen fabric for the background on a wood stretched canvas. This wall,hanging with the words on the back looks very nice too, and layering the buttons gives it a lot of eye interest, and you could stack them three high if they are thin enough or have indentations to allow for it. Thanks for sharing!


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