Where to Donate Your Craft Supplies


Where to Donate Your Craft Supplies

If you want to declutter your craft room, consider donating your crafting supplies to a good cause!

Where to Donate Craft Supplies

When you enjoy DIY projects, your crafting room can look like a total mess, and no amount of DIY storage ideas can keep it organized. Although organizers are meant to keep your craft room neat and clean, sometimes it's still not enough. You have so many crafting supplies that your repurposed organizers are overflowing. And although you could create more DIY organization crafts, you can't because your craft room has no more space left! 

When you're stuck in this situation, it's best to donate your crafting supplies. Perhaps you could throw them away, but if your supplies are still useful, then why not donate them? People from all over the country enjoy creating crafts, but crafting supplies can be pretty expensive. And if they don't have the economic funds, their beautiful crafting ideas will go to waste. 

Luckily, if you'd like to donate your crafting supplies, you have so many options! From fabric to paint to yarn, you can donate any of your craft supplies to organizations such as The Knitting Connection or The Dreaming Zebra Foundation. And the best part is that these organizations do great acts of kindness with your supplies. So, whether you want to declutter your craft room or you'd like to help the cause, check out these donation centers. Just remember to only donate crafting supplies that you can still use!

Where can I donate yarn?

Do you have an enormous amount of leftover yarn from your knitting or crocheting projects? If so, you should donate it to The Knitting Project! This organization collects any extra yarn, needles, and knitting or crocheting books that you'd like to donate. These supplies are then distributed to volunteers who knit and crochet clothing items for lower-income children and families. And if you have any finished knit/crochet items, they accept those donations too! This organization is based in Boston, so donations must be sent via mail.

Where Can I Donate Yarn

Where can I donate jewelry-making supplies?

If you're looking to unload some of your jewelry-making supplies, you should consider donating them to A Little Something! Based in Denver, Colorado, this organization helps refugee women become self-sufficient through crafting. Using your donated beads and other supplies, the organization's volunteers train the women in jewelry-making. Once the refugees have finished their crafts, they sell their jewelry to make a living. And if you don't have any supplies to donate, you can help the cause by purchasing their handmade jewelry. 

Where can I donate fabric?

Is your craft room overflowing with fabric scraps and batting? Quilts of Valor is a great charity to donate any leftover fabric or other quilting material. With your fabric scraps and quilting supplies, they create beautiful quilts that are gifted to our military veterans. And if you'd like to show some appreciation for our fighting troops, you can create your own quilt and donate it too. Unlike the other two charities, this organization has multiple locations throughout the United States. 

Where Can I Donate Fabric

Where can I donate art supplies?

Out of all of your crafting supplies, you'd probably like to get rid of your art supplies the most. If you have extra markers, paints, colored pencils, and other supplies, you should donate them to The Dreaming Zebra. This organization provides art and music supplies to underprivileged children through the country. Their main goal is to support the creative arts at lower-income schools and encourage kids to explore their creativity.

Based in Oregon, this charity may be too far away if you'd like to donate. But you can still help with their goal by donating your art supplies to your local school, community centers, and children hospitals. They'll gladly accept any help from their community.

Where To Donate Art Supplies

Which charities do you donate your crafting supplies to?
Let us know in the comments below!

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I usually just donate to the Goodwill or to the ARC store here. They both bundle new yarns and sell them for a low price. They also sell knitting needles, crochet hooks and whatever else comes along, making it easier for those on a budget to make things for themselves or others.

Great ideas all around!

So many great ideas here! I always think of creating something to donate but never donating the supplies themselves


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