Felted Needle Books


Felted Needle Books

Store your needles in a safe and convenient spot; a book! This craft idea is perfect for anyone who regularly misplaces their needles. All you have to do is take a look; it's in a book!  This is a great tutorial to use from Little Birdie Secrets.


  • Matching felt piece for button tab
  • Coordinating felt for pages (1 or 2, depending on how many needles you have)
  • Felt for the cover
  • Button
  • Matching thread and sewing machine
  • Fabric glue for embellishments
  • Rotary cutter or scissors, pinking shears (optional)
  • Additional felt for embellishing cover



  1. Cut a piece of felt 8" x 4" for the cover. Cut 1-2 pieces 7.5" x 3.5" for the pages. I cut mine with pinking shears, but that's optional, of course.

  2. Cut a matching piece of felt for the button tab 1" x 1.5". This part is really optional, too. You don't have to have a button closure. I rounded one edge with scissors for extra cuteness. If you don't dare cut it free-hand, trace half of a soda bottle lid.

  3. Pin the tab to the short, right side of your cover. Stitch around the entire cover piece, attaching the tab and creating a cute decorative edge.

  4. Lay your pages in the middle of the inside your cover. Using a ruler, measure to the middle draw a line with chalk or a fabric pen.

  5. Pin the pages to the cover and stitch down the middle to secure.

  6. If you have any blunt-edge needles (for yarn), you can create a little pocket to hold them in as well. Cut a piece of felt 1.5" x 2" and pin near the bottom edge of one of the pages.

  7. Stitch around three edges, then stitch parallel vertical lines about 1/4" apart. Slip blunt-edge needles inside.

  8. If you decide to do a tab closure, wrap it around to the front and lay your button where you want it. Mark it with a fabric pen. Using scissors, snip it open. Be sure to make it snug so it stays buttoned.

  9. Stitch your button in place on the front of the cover directly beneath the buttonhole.

  10. You could call it good now, but if you're like me, you love to play with felt! So let's add a little felt embellishment to the front cover.

    I had just cut a little butterfly out with my Slice machine, so I used the negative of the die cut to trace a butterfly on my coordinating felt. Then I hand-stitched it in place with a little embroidery thread. You could also glue it with fabric glue.

    For the red book I cut two felt flowers, layered them, and attached them together with a fancy brad. I also hand-cut leaves and added a little stitching, then glued the flowers and leaves on the cover with fabric glue.

    That's it! Now get organized by sticking your needles in the felt pages. Don't they look cute all lined up?



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Yes, this needle book is cute and perfect for organizing your needles. I taught my students to make this book, but I turned it into a sewing kit book instead of just a needle book. I added some pockets to keep needle threader, buttons, thread. Now my students have their sewing needs tidy.

Yes, this needle book is cute and perfect for organizing your needles. I taught my students to make this book, but I turned it into a sewing kit book instead of just a needle book. I added some pockets to keep needle threader, buttons, thread. Now my students have their sewing needs tidy.

One of the things I've collected over the years are needle books including a large selection of needle books and pin cushions on my Pinterest pages. The detail people add to these little accessories truly make them works of art. This is a great basic pattern and once the book is built you can add beads, and embroidery, and ribbons -- the sky is the limit.

This would make a great crochet hook holder just make larger.

Thank you for sharing. Now I have a reason to sort and safe keep my Needles,in such a cute and simple way. hus Enna

these are adorable and would make wonderful little gifts for people who sew or do any kind of needle work. I am definitely going to make some.


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