53 Scrap Yarn Projects


53 Scrap Yarn Projects

Wondering what to do with leftover yarn? Find dozens of ideas in our collection.


Scrap Yarn Projects

We asked our Facebook fans, "How do you use up yarn scraps?" Thanks to our readers, we have 38 Ways to Use Up Yarn Scraps + 18 Scrap Yarn Projects so you can better organize your yarn stash and find great yarn craft ideas. These are great ideas to help you get the most for your money.

Whether you're looking for easy yarn crafts or want to find more practical solutions there are plenty of ideas to keep you busy. No matter how you choose to use up your yarn, you can rest assured that you won't waste a thing.

Yarn projects aren't meant for just crocheters and knitters - these scrap yarn projects are perfect for anyone who's in the mood to craft.

Bonus! Are you a visual learner? Follow this video tutorial for How to Make Yarn Pom Poms.

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Yarn Craft Ideas

Home Decor Yarn Flowers

Use it to decorate cards and bookmarks.

No-Sew DIY Cat Toy

I make small rounds for cats to chase - like little puffs - which I stick in catnip. With the little pieces I put them out for the birds.

Retro DIY Plastic Canvas Glasses Case

Scraps are great for plastic canvas projects and hats for the homeless!

Fleece Dog Toy

Tie them in knots and make a tug-of-war dog toy. Works with fabric, too.

Giant Tassel Keychain Easy Yarn Craft

I like to make simple key chains to give to friends and family.

Neon Yarn Globes

Line a cookie sheet with foil. Dip yarn bits thru white glue and run through your lightly pinched fingers to get off drippy excess. Kids can make small designs (or use cookie cutters as a mold. When dry, they make hanging ornaments.

3-Ingredient DIY Bird Feeders

I use them in the garden to tie things up.

Mini Crochet Projects

DIY Crochet Flowers 3 Ways

I use yarn scraps to crochet flowers!

Mini Octopus Crochet Pattern

Use it for stuffing small items.

Crochet Utility Mini Basket

I use my scraps when I make Coil Baskets.

Mandala Popcorn Granny Square

I make granny squares & combine for small blankets (varying from 6 to 12 squares) & donate them to my local animal shelter. The Vet Tech uses then during surgery & post-op recovery to lay under the animals. He says crocheted blankets are the BEST way to keep the animals body temperature up during these times & make for safer surgery & faster recovery times!

Doll Crochet Skirt Pattern

I use them to make Barbie blankets, scarves, and belts. I'm about to use some for making crochet flowers, and a scrap-yarn blanket.

Art n' Soul Scrappy Scarf

I've seen a scarf where people take different yarns using dice to decide which one is next. I think it was called the Las Vegas scarf. Kind of a neat idea!

Nettie's Super Simple Cowl

Every year, I try to come up with a new scrap yarn project. Last year it was multi-colored scarves. This year, I'm making long strips for blankets, and I'll donate the finished projects to our local Shelter.

Crochet Cat Bed

Sometimes I make them into small granny squares (and use crocheted black yarn rows for joining strips) for an old-fashioned looking afghan. Other times, I tie the ends of the yarn together, leaving approx 1" tails, crochet into a different kind of pillow topper, or once, even into a small afghan for the cat bed. Kitty loved batting the little lengths that were left hanging, and it really didn't look bad, kinda shabby chic.

Crochet Flower Flip Flops

I like to make a scrappy afghan. I have been thinking about re styling some flip flops with some scraps.

Grandma's Lacy Granny Square

If I only have a very tiny bit, I’ll do the center of a granny square and put away in a plastic container with lid. Then when I have a lot I’ll make a blanket...it’s nice because I can reflect back on the centers and remember the project I made with that yarn.

Belle Fleur Scarf

Most of the time I will make a flower vine scarf.

Crocheted iPhone Cozy

I crochet phone cozies!

Crocheted Doily DIY Necklace

I make miniature granny square pendants for necklaces.

Granny Square Purse

Yes, I make little granny squares and put them together for belts, lap blankets or even afghans.................and HANDBAGS!

Cuddly Bunny Love

I use yarn for stuffing small arms and legs on amigurumi and to use for face features.

Crocodile Stitch Change Purse

Yarn is great for small change purses and other small items.

Reusable Crochet Scrubbies

I make dish cloths and face cloths from my cotton yarns, they are great as gifts too.

Tiny Knitting Projects

Diver Down Flower

I make flowers, great way to use up small pieces of yarn.

Native Stripes Knit Blanket Pattern

Once a year I make a scrap afghan, use them for centers of granny squares, put the small ones in the suit cake feeder and the birds use them in their nest, my kids have even used them as bunny beds when their bunny had babies.

Bright Stripes Poncho

If I have a fourth of a yard or more left I mix them with other pieces to make outfits for my granddaughters. That is popular now to mix materials together to make cute clothes for children.

Super Easy Knit Baby Booties

I made baby booties, pot holder, rugs, and scrunchies.

Holiday Socks for Baby

I use it for 'freeform' anything goes, colors don't need to match, I knit and crochet anything I want to make with leftovers at the time. I made little wee sock even, bunions, granny squares, curlicues..etc.

Half Fisherman Ribbed DIY Headband

Headbands, ear muffs, booties, and wash cloths.

Starburst Fingerless Gloves Knitting Pattern

I do granny square throws or small projects like gloves, scarves, hats, and baby toys to use up my left over scrap yarn.

"How Do You Use Up Yarn Scraps?"

Here are more ideas for what to do with yarn scraps:

  1. I donate them to Special Needs preschool in my town.
  2. Leave them out for the birds! I now have 8 colored robin nests in my trees!

What are other ways to use up scrap yarn? Tell us in the comments!

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I double the yarn and use it to make mats for our local animal shelter. So far I have donated 30 mats.

I have a large clear plastic container that I put balls of leftover yarn in. I used to use them for plastic canvas projects but don't do much of that any more. They are colorful and cheerful so I used it as a sort of decoration in my craft room, until the kids found them! They have a blast with that yarn and so creative! The only thing I require is that they pick up after themselves.

Hold up! All these projects in one place. I'm spoiled for choice, there's no way I'll have any yarn left over after trying these projects. I love the mini crotchet projects, if you're a beginner and you're practicing your stitches, then this is the right collection.

Thank you for such a great list of ways to use up scrap yarn. If I have just tiny pieces left I give them to my kids with some paper and elmers glue and let them come up with some fun yarn creations. its always fun to see what they come up with. Please dont give yarn to birds though. it can very easily get tangled around their legs and hurt them.

Hi I watched the video for making Pom Poms and I was wondering if there is a pattern available for the cute Christmas tree she shows with the pom pom topper?

Hi lynnny55! Can you give me a little more info on where you saw this photo/project? That'll make it easier to find. Thanks! - Kaylee, Editor of FaveCrafts

Fave Crafts You Tube video with Carolyn Wainscott - How To Make Pom Poms with a Cardboard Loom https//www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hVJKREaI4noredirec == t=1

Hi! I do not believe we have that pattern on our site. We do have a similar one here though: http://www.favecrafts.com/Christmas-Crafts/Pom-Pom-Yarn-Christmas-Trees-from-Red-Heart-Yarn Hope that helps! - Kaylee, Editor of FaveCrafts

I use my scrap yarn to cover wire hangers. The clothes don't slip off, and it seems to reduce the stretching out of shape. I just cast on, and allow it to twist around the wire.

I made a giant granny square with several different colors and types of yarn. Some fuzzy, some homespun, some regular. Looks very gypsi-ish.

At craft stores (and wherever ornaments are sold) you can often find plastic or glass ornaments that are clear, you can take the stem carefully out and "fill" them with scraps of precious memories in yarn and the confetti color will be safe and sound for the life of the ornament... Pretty cool to look at, too, with ribbon and yarn!

Great idea, also could put a small picture in there so the yarn can be filler behind it!

those are wonderful ideas but I don't know how to crochet granny squares. Could knit them too instead of the granny squares

Great ideas. Could I see the afghan made from left over skeins

vanna white has an afghan called granny's daughter that uses 2 yd. pieces for each square. I've made a couple of these. If you do a search for this should be able to find pattern or pictures.

I have made a couple of Granny's Daughter afghans too and have a few thousand centres ready to go again. Every project I have made in the last 5 - 6 years has centres made from left overs which get put in a bag with the rest.

you cut put out small piece for birds to use for their nest

I make wrist cuffs and put little heated rice bags in them for arthritis pain. I also make other shapes to add rice bags to, such as a neck wrap, shoulders, tummy, and a square shape for putting cold feet on while in bed. My family loves them!

I use them for stuffing small projects and I use cotton scraps for making hexagon motifs that I then make into colorful and durable market bags.

I make baby booties with baby yarn,toy snakes for little boys and hexagons which I join together make an undershell,a head 4 legs and a tail and make toy turtles..the kids and adults love them

Scrunchies. I get hair bands at the dollar store. Scrunchies make great carry along projects and there are tons of patterns.

for the birds! I like that.

Great ideas. Going to use some today!!!


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