No Sew Fabric Flower Bouquet


No Sew Fabric Flower Bouquet

Create a bouquet of fabric flowers that will never wilt. Sometimes learning how to make fabric flowers involves stitching, but that is not the case with this No-Sew Fabric Flower Bouquet from Dana Willard. This flower craft proves that you don't need to spend a ton of time or money on a piece of DIY home decor to make it look lovely. Follow these easy, step-by-step instructions to create the fabric flowers with a glue gun and wooden dowels. Spray paint is optional, though it is tons of fun.

Printable Flower Patterns
For more beautiful handmade flower projects, check out our collection of 81+ Printable Flower Patterns.



No Sew Flowers



  • Fabric scraps
  • Wooden dowels
  • Hot glue gun
  • Coordinating felt
  • Spray paint (optional)
  • Kitchen sponge (optional)



Basic Flower:

  1. Cut strips of fabric approximately 2x16 inches.
  2. Bunch up the beginning of the fabric a bit (this will be the center of the flower). I'm right-handed and found that it's easiest to hold the flower in my left hand and work the fabric around with my right. If you're a leftie, do the opposite.

    Bunch up Fabric
  3. Stick a dab of hot glue right in the center and glue the end of the dowel to the center of the flower.

    Glue at Center
  4. Run a few inches of glue along the next section of the fabric.
  5. Carefully scrunch bits of the fabric up and press them together at the bottom of the flower. It's like you're "ruffling" the fabric. Repeat until you've gone all the way around.

    Bunching Fabric
  6. Cut out a small felt circle and cut a slit in the middle of it

    .Piece of Felt
  7. Glue and wrap the felt circle around the base of the flower to disguise the messy glue and fabric.

    Wrap felt around base

Colored Stems:

  1. Grab your favorite spray paint color and something to make the dowels stand up while you spray them. A sponge with holes punched in it works well.

    Dowels in Sponge
  2. Take your dowels to a ventilated area. To contain the paint even more, spray them inside of a box.  Make sure every dowel gets an even coat of paint. Let dry.

    Spray Painted Dowels
  3. The tips of the painted dowels will be left unpainted. Use that part of the dowel when you glue it to the center of the flower so that it's hidden.


Scalloped Edges:

  1. Fold your fabric strip in half a couple times.

    Fold Fabric
  2. Cut a wavy pattern out of the one side and glue it around the dowel.

    Cut Scallop

Colored Center and Base:

  1. You can also add a center to your flower by bunching up a small scrap of fabric and glueing it into the center.

    Fabric in Center of Flower
  2. Try a bright piece of felt to cover the base of your flower.

    Bright Felt on Flower


More Fabric Flowers to Make

Radiant Ruffled Blossom Bouquet

If you are looking for even more ways to make fabric flowers, check out this pretty DIY ideas.

  1. Fleece Fabric Flower Pattern
  2. Canvas Rose Brooch
  3. Fabric Flower Gift Card Bouquet
  4. Totally Tulle DIY Fabric Flowers
  5. Blooming Irish Flower Pin
  6. Always in Bloom Fabric Flowers
  7. Fall Fabric Flower Wreath
  8. Radiant Ruffled Blossom Bouquet (shown)



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These flowers are so cute! It'd also be neat to attach them to pen and put them all in a cup on your desk.

Really cute flowers. Had fun making them but made one adjustment. After burning my fingers on the hot wax...I don't have a cool temp glue gun...I took needle and thread and basted about a quarter inch from bottom of fabric strip, pulled it tight and tied off with a knot at the end, then ran the glue around the gathered edge and wrapped the gathered edge around the dowel. If needed you can still push at it with a pencil eraser to secure it to the dowel instead of using your fingers. Takes a couple minutes longer but hurts a lot less.

I've made these using lace, the same directions as above and you have very pretty flowers. I also used florists wire instead of the dowels which means making a bouquet is a lot easier. For those without a hot glue gun, running a line of stitches at the base of the fabric and gathering it works just as well. Fasten using pva or fabric glue, and for added strength wrap some of the excess thread tightly round the base of the flower before covering. A lovely craft.

I made these on the eraser end of #2 pencils that were multicolored. To cover the eraser, I hot glued a tiny brightly colored button. I stuck several of them (12) in a styrofoam ball placed in a terra cotta pot. I'm using them as table centerpieces for our church's Mother's Day Tea. After the tea, the ladies can pick one to take home. What an excellent, easy, and inexpensive craft idea!

Excellent with a capital E!!! Love this great idea, great project for mom too!

What a CUTE idea! Simple, fun easy to understand instructions. Idea to do with children on a rainy day! Thanks so much for sharing ;D

Thanks!Great!Simple!and Fast!and Cheap-Free!!

This is just to cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait to try it!!

Great flowers, and very easy to follow tutorial, thanks!

very cute

Love how simple and easy these are thanks to your instructions. truly appreciate the time you spent on demos.

This is a great project to make for people in the hospital who can't have real flowers ie: Cancer patients or people with bad immune systems. They brighten up the room and remind patients that people care. Thanks for the inspiration. It came along when I needed it most. If you do sew a little you can use a long running stitch and gather the flower, then glue it to the dowel.

This sounds like a GREAT craft to do with the grandkids! Could you use fabric glue instead of hot glue - to make it safer for little hands????????

I loved the pictures with the fun and easy directions. Looks like fun for all size Kidlettes.

What a great idea for the summer. You could also do these on a shorter stick for drink glasses. Everyone will know what glass belongs to them.

Smart idea. I will try it with pinking shears to give the edges a different look and use floral wire and tape so that I could use it in my hair. Since I come from Hawaii and use flowers in my hair when I dance the hula. Thanks again. Carmen

this looks to be sooo cute.

Thanks for your lovely idea for making fabric flowers. If you don't want to purchase spray paint, you can also use florists tape. This type of tape comes in many colors including green, which then can be used for any color fabric. Using the felt circle is a terrific for giving the flower a finished look. By the by, you can also use tissue paper or crepe paper for the flowers! So now we can get rid of lots of scraps!!!! Thanks! Cyn

Those are pretty neat. You could also glue some green felt for leaves. I think I'll use some straws for stems. I just happen to have a box of then that have been in my stash for a while. Thanks for the great ideas. Donna


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