Infinity Cowl Crochet Pattern


Infinity Cowl Crochet Pattern

Infinity Cowl Crochet Pattern

Make this warm and stylish Infinity Cowl Crochet Pattern in no time at all with just one skein of yarn. One skein patterns are perfect for anyone who's on the go or just in need of a quick and easy free crochet cowl pattern. You don't need to carry around a bunch of different supplies - just grab a ball of yarn and a hook and hit the road. This is a great project for anyone who is new to crocheting and wants to test their skills. This free cowl crochet pattern also makes a great gift during the winter months because it's warm, toasty and so stylish. Everyone will fall in love with your work and will want to know where you found such a snazzy scarf.


Crochet HookK/10.5 or 6.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

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I love the look of this cowl! It looks so easy, it could be made in just an evening! I have a bunch of thick yarn and no idea what I want to do with it now I am thinking this pattern is perfect! There is nothing better than a warm cowl in the cold winter months!

I like how the blogger doesn't define her cowl yarn choice within the confines of a particular brand. She just specifies that we can use any "thick" yarn- meaning, bulky a.k.a. chunky. I am loving the bright cobalt blue, personally. The treble crochets and skip stitches will make this project extremely quick to work up, a nice evening project done in one night.


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