Cupcake Scarf


Cupcakes are trendy right now, so embellish a crochet scarf with some yummy-looking cupcakes with this free crochet scarf pattern from Jennifer Cirka.  Great for girls of all ages, this fun scarf is a cute way to show off your favorite sweet treat!  Thick and cozy, this scarf is perfect for winter and fall and is sure to keep you nice and warm throughout those pesky cold days.  You can make this crocheted scarf in any color you'd like, and embellish it with cupcakes of any "flavor".  An easy project for beginners and a fun project for more advanced crocheters, this crocheted scarf works up quickly and easily.

Cupcake Scarf


  • Any worsted weight yarn (I used mostly “I Love This Yarn”, 100% acrylic)
  • Small amount of brown for cupcake “cake”
  • Small amount of pink and purple for “icing”
  • Small amount of red for “cherry”
  • Approximately 200 yards of main scarf color (I used baby blue)
  • G-6 / 4 mm crochet


Crochet Scarf Patterns

Looking for more crochet scarf patterns?  Check out our collection of "25 Crochet Scarf Patterns", filled with awesome tutorials for beginners and advanced crocheters alike.  With scarves that are perfect for every season, these crocheted scarf patterns are a great way to use up your yarn stash and make quick gifts for everyone on your list.  Check out the collection today and you'll be 'hooked' in no time!




“Cake” Pattern – Make 2

  1. With brown, ch 16
  2. Row 1: (RS) hdc in third ch from hook, hdc in next 3 chs, sc in remaining chs. Ch1, turn. (4hdc, 10sc)
  3. Row 2: working in BLO, sc in each st across. Ch1, turn. (14sc)
  4. Row 3-15: repeat row 2.
  5. Row 16: working in BLO, sc in first 10 sts. Hdc in last 4 sts. Finish off and weave in ends. (10sc, 4hdc)

“Icing” Pattern – make 2

  1. Row 1: With icing color and RS facing, attach yarn with a sc to the widest edge – right corner. Evenly space 17 more sc along edge. Ch3, turn. (18sc)
  2. Row 2: sc in each sc across, ch3, turn. (18sc)
  3. Row 3: sc in each sc across and turning ch. Ch3, turn. (20sc)
  4. Row 4: sk first 2sc, sc in next st and each st across until 2 sts remain. Ch2, sl st in turning ch. (16sc)
  5. Row 5: sk ch sp. Sc in first sc and each sc across. Ch3, turn. (16sc)
  6. Row 6: sk first 2 sts, sc in next sc and each st across. Ch3, turn. (14sc)
  7. Row 7-9: repeat row 6. (8sc)
  8. Row 10: sk first 2 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, ch2. sl st in turning ch. Finish off and weave in ends.

“Cherry” Pattern – make 2

  1. Round 1: With red, 6sc in magic ring, do not join. (6sc)
  2. Round 2: 2sc in each sc around. (12sc)
  3. Round 3: ch1, 2hdc in each sc around. Finish off and weave in ends. (24hdc)

Scarf Pattern

  1. With MC, ch 30
  2. Row 1: 2dc in 3rd ch from hook. *sk 2 sts, (sc, 2dc) in next st. Repeat from * across. Sc in last ch. Ch2, turn.
  3. Row 2: 2dc in first sc. *sk 2 dc, (sc, 2dc) in nest sc. Repeat from * across, ending with sc in turning chain. Ch2, turn.
  4. Repeat row 2 until desired length is achieved.
  5. Final row: ch1, sc in each dc and sc across. Finish off and weave in ends.


  1. Attach cherry to top of icing and attach completed cupcakes to the bottom of the scarf or wherever desired.

    Cupcake Scarf 2
    (Note: Hat pattern not available)

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There is a little girl who is the daughter of a great friend of mine. I can envision her proudly wearing this out to school every day. I could do the scarf in a pretty purple or pink, then just change the colors of the cupcake icings so that they do not match. I like to change things up all the time when following patterns found on this website. I am creative like that, and I encourage all of you to do the same! Have fun with this one!

at the end of Row 2, it says, "sc in turning chain". Is that that same as "sc in ch 2 space"?

Looks nice. Is there a video tutorial of the scarf pattern? I'm new to crocheting and always find the first and last stitch to be a challenge. I started it last night and would love to know if I'm doing the edges correctly.

Thank you so very very much or this pattern. I have been looking for cupcake patterns/appliques everywhere. I'm going to love it. You're so sweet to share Thanks again Linda

What does RS mean? These are going to be perfect for the children at the Ronald McDonald House, but I want to make sure they are perfect.

@daviddraper - In the context of a crochet pattern, RS generally means "right side." Hope this helps! -- Editor of

updated pattern including the hat available here:

I love the pattern but I am a left handed beginner, what does " BLO" mean ?

I believe it means back loop only

Wow! What a cute pattern. I think I will try it for Valentine's Day

Sorry. I just looked at the pattern again. It's marked as steps and rows.

This is an adorable pattern. I'm making it for my granddaughter's 6th birthday. I do have a question; should the repeat, row 4, be for row 3?

So cute that I will abandon my current project and do it now, just in time for a mid January birthday gift. Perfect for her! Thank you so much.

Very Cute!!!!

wouldn't the cupcake make a cute dishcloth? going to try this later!

Thanks so much! This is very cute. Sure wish I could find that hat pattern to go with it. ;)

I am trying to make the cherry for this pattern and cannot figure it out, would you be so kind as to give me the secret to the "magic ring". Thank you so much! chelesvue

You could possibly substitute a pom pom for the cherry.

Hi chelesvue 4213940 !! i read your comment, and about the magic ring. so i think i can help you out with that, here is a link on how to make a magic ring, the instructions are very easy to follow too. enjoy!!!

how can i get the hat pattern that goes with the cup cake scarf could you send it to me at thank you verymuch

hat pattern is now available...check my blog to find out more.

BLO=back loop only

It is too bad that we can not get the hat pattern. As I would really like to have it. J. Hall Toronto Canada

would it be possible for you to post the meanings to the abreviations please??

I never wrote the pattern for the hat. Just start with 6sc and evenly increase until you get the desired diameter circle. Then just work the sides in the same pattern as the scarf. Jennifer

Hi, Ilove thiscupake scarf,would you have the pattern for the hat,my great granddaughter,would love this. Thanks

I'm sure you can find a simple beanie pattern here and just substitute the last few rows for the scarf pattern ....

I too would like the pattern to go with the scarf. Is it available?

I'm interested in the hat!! Is there a free pattern for it?


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